Redfield Estates Association (REA) is a Home Owners Assocation (HOA) of 98 homes in Derry, NH
The Redfield Estates Association (REA) is a Home Owners Association (HOA) of 98 energy efficient homes located in Derry, New Hampshire.
Redfield Estates Association was created in 1981 to promote the benefit and enjoyment of its members in our Common Properties and our water supply which was sold in 1991 to, and is managed by Pennichuck Water.
Homes were designed to be energy efficient.
Homes face solar south to maximize solar energy efficiency.
Homes are located on Redfield Circle, Hubbard Court, Jewell Lane, Quincy Drive and Floyd Road.
Many homes have wood stoves or other alternative heating systems.
Some homes have active solar panels to supplement their heating or electrical systems.
The Association also owns about 67 acres of Common Properties that can be used and enjoyed by REA members with limitations for recreation.
Members of the REA pay a low annual assessment which is normally due at the beginning of each year.
If you are a property owner or resident within the Redfield Estates Association, we invite you to join our Facebook discussion forum and become active in our online electronic community.